Nikkei achieves a new level of quality and performance with their multi-page PWA Web Google Developers
With a publishing history of more than 140 years, Nikkei is one of the most authoritative media businesses in Japan. Along with their print newspaper, they have over 450 million monthly visits to their digital properties. To provide a better user experience and accelerate their business on the web, Nikkei successfully launched a Progressive Web App (PWA) - - in November 2017. They’re now seeing amazing results from the new platform.Performance gains 2X better Speed Index 14 seconds faster time-to-interactive 75% faster loading with prefetchBusiness impact 2.3X organic traffic 58% more conversions (subscriptions) 49% more daily active users 2X page views per sessionDownload Business Focused PDF Case StudyBusiness overviewChallengeNikkei saw a rapid rise in mobile traffic to their legacy website as smartphones became the main point of entry to the web for many users. However, using Lighthouse, an auditing tool that scans a web page and gives recommendations on how to improve across mu…