Blogged Answers: Redux

Some clarification on what's going on with ReduxI'm a Redux maintainer. There's been a lot of confusion, claims, and misinformation about Redux going around lately, and I want to help clear things up.TL;DRIs Redux dead, dying, deprecated, or about to be replaced?No.Are there situations where you don't need Redux?Sure, but that's always been true.A Longer ExplanationThere's been a whole slew of comments and articles lately that boil down to people asking "Is Redux dead?", or asserting that "Tool X replaces Redux". I'll recap several sources of confusion, and explain what's actually going on."Redux is Overused"Where's this coming from?Redux has been around for almost three years. In "JS library years", that's like... forever :) It got very popular very quickly, and as a result, a lot of people were told they had to use Redux, without actually understanding the tradeoffs involved and when it actually makes sense to use Redux. So, there's been some inevitable backlash, and people have loo…
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