A simple explanation of functional pipe in JavaScript

Sometimes I'm asked why we don't have "dot-chaining" in RxJS anymore, or why RxJS made the switch to use pipe. There are a lot of reasons, but this is really something that needs to be looked at from a higher level than just RxJS.The need for piping functions comes from two problems butting heads: The desire to have a broad set of available development APIs for simple types (like Array, Observable, Promise, etc), and the desire to ship smaller apps. The size problemJavaScript is a very unique language with a problem that most other programming languages do not have: Usually, JavaScript is shipped over a network, parsed, and executed at the exact moment the user wants to use the app the JavaScript is powering. The more JavaScript shipped, the longer it will take to download and parse, thus slowing down your app's responsiveness. Something that can have a HUGE impact on the user experience.This means that trying to keep JavaScript apps small is critically important. Fortunately, we have…

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