Google TypeScript Style Guide

Google TypeScript Style GuideTypeScript style guideThis is the external guide that's based on the internal Google version but has been adjusted for the broader audience. There is no automatic deployment process for this version as it's pushed on-demand by volunteers.It contains both rules and best practices. Choose those that work best for your team.This Style Guide uses RFC 2119 terminology when using the phrases must, must not, should, should not, and may. All examples given are non-normative and serve only to illustrate the normative language of the style guide.SyntaxIdentifiersIdentifiers must use only ASCII letters, digits, underscores (for constants and structured test method names), and the '\(' sign. Thus each valid identifier name is matched by the regular expression `[\)\w]+`.StyleCategoryUpperCamelCaseclass / interface / type / enum / decorator / type parameterslowerCamelCasevariable / parameter / function / method / property / module aliasCONSTANT_CASEglobal constant value…
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