Jetty 10 and 11 Have Arrived! – Webtide

The Eclipse Jetty team is proud to announce the release of Jetty 10 and Jetty 11! Let’s first get into the details of Jetty 10, which includes a huge amount of enhancements and upgrades. A summary of the changes follows.Minimum Java VersionThe minimum required Java version for Jetty 10 is nowJava 11.As new versions of the OpenJDK are released, Jetty is tested for compatibility and is at this point compatible with versions up to Java 15.WebSocket RefactorMajor refactor of Jetty WebSocket code. The Jetty WebSocket core API now provides the RFC6455 protocol implementation. The Jetty and Javax WebSocket APIs are separate layers which use the new WebSocket core implementation. Support for RFC8441 WebSocket over HTTP/2 on both WebSocket client and WebSocket server. This allows a HTTP/2 stream to be upgraded to a WebSocket connection allowing the single TCP connection to be shared by both HTTP/2 and WebSocket protocols.Various improvements and cleanups to the Jetty WebSocket API.Self Orderi…
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