W3C Workshop on Smart Cities

This is a Call-for-Participation for the W3C Workshop on Smart Cities.The workshop is free, although you will need to email a brief proposal. Please see the information for speakers for detail.Background"Smart Cities" refers to a range of technologies and processes for intelligent management of our built and inhabited environment. As interest rises, we see prospects for smarter and easier integration of various technologies from multiple vendors related to IoT devices and Web services.Several use cases on Smart Cities have been discussed within the Web of Thing (WoT) IG as part of the WoT standardization based on the proposal during the Second WoT Workshop in Munich. However, Smart Cities include various technologies, of which WoT is just one. We would therefore like to create a dedicated W3C Interest Group:to identify and document use cases and requirements that W3C specifications need to meet to support Smart City services,to obtain feedback from all stakeholders on the usage of Web…

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