AGWG Teleconference -- 03 Oct 2023

<scribe> scribe: bruce_baileynew members and topicsRachael welcomes any new members, ask for future topics?announcementsWCAG 2.2 will publish Thursday!<alastairc> Will be note added for internationalization<alastairc> links to github if anyone curious, please say so today. SLH helped with editiorial.Rachael: Any questions?Makoto: I am curious about ISO update ?<mbgower> present_alastairc: There is an interest with updating ISO reference.kevin: 16 oct is deadline for ISO submission, and we will work out what goes into ISO version..... I believe that the ISO version will have only normative text.<Rachael> Survey for the last 2 subgroups Looking for volunteers for last two subgroups please.... as with this week and last week we are just working on exploration topics...... we will alternative between these groups and conformance over the next several meetings.Francis_Storr: Can you explain "control semantics"?<Rachael> Based on earlier work on grouping items.<Azlan> I don't have acces…
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