RustでWebサーバなどを書く仕事をしている。趣味はコンパイラ。「実践Rust入門」(技術評論社)、「n月刊ラムダノートVol. 1 No. 3」(ラムダノート)、Software Design 2021年9月号(技術評論社)などの執筆に参加。
attachment https://keens.github.io
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I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
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