メルカリ/メルペイ所属。バックエンドエンジニアとして日々Goを書いている。Google Developer Expert (Go)。一般社団法人Gophers Japan代表。Go Conference主催者。複数社でGoに関する技術アドバイザーをしている。
attachment https://tenntenn.dev/
3tamrt33 u41ing 2024 09 11ont11 18 3amy
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
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